We help you deliver what clients demand
Even novice investors with modest portfolios can quickly outgrow limited offerings. We offer a broad platform of products and services to help you support even your most sophisticated clients.
Alternative investments
Provide a broad array of alternative investment choices for higher-net-worth clients. We preform extensive due diligence to help with navigating this sometimes volatile portfolio sector in varied markets.
Equity research / investment strategy / economic commentary
Raymond James fields one of the largest research organizations in the brokerage industry and serves institutional investors domestically and abroad with more than 80 research analysts and associates in the United States, Canada, Europe and Latin America who cover more than 1,300 companies. Our highly regarded in-house professionals Jeff Saut and Scott Brown provide investment strategy and economic commentary, respectively, on a daily basis, helping give you a big picture view and make informed decisions.
Fee-based programs
With a wealth of fee-based programs it’s easy to create a solution for practically every investor’s needs. Your clients will have the choice of managing their own assets, letting you manage them or leveraging a third party.
Fixed income
Offer clients a wide variety of fixed income products, including brokered CDs, corporate, government and municipal bonds, mortgage-backed securities and CMOs, preferred securities and unit investment trusts (taxable fixed income and equity-related, tax-free fixed income).
High-net-worth solutions
Affluent clients have complex financial planning needs. With our help, you’ll be able to provide a variety of specific, highly technical solutions to fulfill those needs.
Institutional / capital markets / investment banking
You’ll be able to meet the needs of institutional investors, help small business owners or corporate clients take their company public, or provide consultation regarding a merger or acquisition. We can also help you with your local municipalities to raise capital in the debt markets, or provide technical assistance with qualified retirement plans for your commercial accounts.
Insurance & annuities
Our general insurance agent affiliate, Raymond James Insurance Group, offers annuities, long-term care coverage, and life and disability insurance – none of which are proprietary. No-load annuities are also available.
Mutual funds
Raymond James offers one of the largest selections of mutual funds available from a single source. There are over 9,000 funds, 4,200 of which can be used in a fee-based format. We also offer our own mutual fund research.
Trust & estate planning
If your bank does not have a trust company, you can offer your clients a variety of personal and charitable trust services, including revocable living trusts, testamentary trusts, charitable trusts, private foundations, irrevocable trusts, life insurance trusts and marital trusts.